Saturday, March 12, 2005


I've started this blog both to express myself as a writer (yes, I actually make my living that way) and to share information that may be helpful to others who are struggling to express themselves. But expect an eclectic mix of things because... that's what a writer is.

If you're coming upon this blog because you are searching for help getting started, one of the simplest suggestions is the best: get a notebook of any kind and use it however you see fit.

For example:

    * Jot down ideas (story lines, plots, anything that strikes your fancy)

    * Ask yourself questions (example: What is the first thing about me a stranger would notice? What was my biggest secret or greatest terror as a child?)

    * Do exercises. For example, focus on one thing like the way a surface looks as light spills in through a window, a child playing in the room, or the movements of your cat/dog/gerbil and write about it
Exercises in writing are important because they can help you see a familiar situation in great depth or through wholly different eyes. Just as physical exercise helps our bodies be more nimble and operate more effectively, writing exercises give our brains a work-out.